
Landscape and Memory

An Overview of the Roberto Marinho Collection

Aug 15 to Nov 17

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday,
from 12 AM to 6 PM
*Admission until 5:15 PM

R. Cosme Velho, 1105
Rio de Janeiro, RJ


Landscape and Memory

An Overview of the Roberto Marinho Collection

Aug 15 to Nov 17

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday,
from 12 AM to 6 PM
*Admission until 5:15 PM

R. Cosme Velho, 1105
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Alberto da Veiga Guignard
Noite de São João (detalhe), 1961

Noite de São João (detalhe)

An Overview of the Roberto Marinho Collection

I believe that an artist’s earliest and fundamental visual experiences and encounters with artistic depiction play a crucial role in their development. The world of images and references we receive as children and young people leaves a lasting imprint, which we continue to recycle throughout our adult process.

When invited by the Casa Roberto Marinho to curate an exhibition based on its collection, in parallel with my solo show there, I opted for a subjective and emotionally driven approach. Born in Rio de Janeiro in the 1960s, I looked through the collection in search of my own references.

In the 1960s and 1970s in Rio, there were few opportunities for direct exposure to Brazilian and international art. The Gênios da Pintura [Geniuses of Painting] collectible series of booklets, sold periodically at newsstands, was an educational and influential source of information. I also recall a book about Debret and another about Guignard, which “lived” in my bedroom for years and fueled my fantasies — the old Rio depicted by Debret and the lush landscapes by Guignard.

The tropical urban landscape of Rio, with its unique spatiality, the urban disorder structured by mountains, blues of sky and sea, curving bays and street corners from which Brazilian modernism unexpectedly sprang — the buildings with their pilotis, abundant concrete, and geometric cladding —, also seeped, so to speak, into my “aesthetic unconscious.”

Early in my artistic process, this very complex landscape became the subject of my painting. Forty years later, I believe that this is the source of my constant effort to combine, adjust, and juxtapose contradictory visualities within the space of the canvas. This exhibition is precisely that: a collage of memories and affections, activated, in one way or another, by the works presented here.

Cristina Canale

Some artists present at the exhibition

Previous exhibitions

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Casa Roberto Marinho

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Conversations Between Collections

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Casa Roberto Marinho

Rio de Janeiro - DEC 15 TO MAR 24 2024

Angelo Venosa, sculptor

Angelo Venosa, sculptor

Casa Roberto Marinho

Rio de Janeiro - AUG 25 TO NOV 12 2023

Trusteeship: Paulo Venancio Filho

Collection in its Time

Collection in its Time

Casa Roberto Marinho

Rio de Janeiro - APR 28 TO JUL 16 2023

Trusteeship: Lauro Cavalcanti

Maria Leontina

Maria Leontina

Casa Roberto Marinho

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Trusteeship: Lauro Cavalcanti

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Trusteeship: Max Perlingeiro